SustAgri 4.0


F6S is a leading global founder and startup network that helps public sector entities around the world to promote, communicate and disseminate technical and research projects. F6S stands for F-ounder-S. Our mission is to help founders and startups grow to solve the world’s pressing social, economic, environmental, sustainability and innovation problems. In addition to F6S’ work with governmental entities, we also work with corporates, investors, research institutions, programs, universities and others in the global startup ecosystem. F6S tools deliver company growth through grants, partnerships, funding, investment, pilot contracts, partnerships, jobs & talent recruitment and company services.

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Nika Levikov

EU Projects Manager (F6S)


Carolina Oliveira

Communications Manager


Patrícia Correia

Financial Manager

Mine Vaganti NGO is a non-profit organisation established in Sardinia in 2009, whose services encompass Education and Training, Project Design and Development, Thematic Research, International Mobility, and Consultancy – for youth and adults in the education and sports sectors. MVNGO operates in Italy, around Europe and beyond.

Its mission is to promote intercultural dialogue, social entrepreneurship and social inclusion through sports, formal and non-formal education including disadvantaged groups such as migrants and people with disabilities.

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Maria Grazia Pirina

Vice President (MVNGO)


Melis Nazli Turhal

EU Project Manager

Quality Culture supports social inclusion and the green and digital transition in Europe by empowering people, especially youth, through training in quality assurance, entrepreneurship and European project management. 

It supports and provides expertise in all aspects of project management, from proposal writing to implementation. Quality Culture also specialises in communication and dissemination activities, e-platform development and social media. 

The company is active in several areas including innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurship and lifelong learning. 

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Carmelo Galeano

Co-Founder and Financial Manager

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Laura Salvago de Gennaro

Project Manager

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Claudio Ragusa

E-Platform Developer

The University of Valencia is an international institution, offering studies in several areas from health sciences to humanities and economics. It is home to more than 2,000 students and is ranked second in Europe in receiving Erasmus students.

SUSTAGRI 4.0 is working specifically with the Innovation Teaching Group in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (IDIQMA) and Materials Technology and Sustainability RDT Group (MATS) under the School of Engineering, connected with the Vicerrectorate of Sustainability of the University. The research team is immersed in innovation practices and projects in the fields of sustainability, digitalisation of teaching and pedagogy.


Dr Jose David Badia Valiente

Local Project Manager


Dr Amparo Cháfer Ortega

Researcher & VET Engagement

The Institute for Promotion and Certification of Agri-food Products (iAgroCert) is a non-profit organisation based in Veria, northern Greece. It aims to promote high-quality food products by enhancing brand identity and commercial value in Greece and abroad. iAgroCert further supports the agribusiness sector by building a network of producers by conducting research and innovation activities for tourism and enterprise knowledge exchange. 

iAgroCert also works with local governments, educational institutions and other non-profit organisations to promote lifelong learning in sectors connected to agri-food products, from the environment to employment. 


Katerina Vasileiou

Local Project Manager


Stylianos-Sotirios Vasileiou

Local Financial Manager